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首页 > 新闻资讯职场精英是如何提升职场竞争力?
来源:http://www.shandonglietou.com 发布人:admin 日期:2021-04-13
无论是晋升、转岗还是转行,你都需要不断学习新的技能,提升职场竞争力。 有人说,学历高竞争力强;有人说有经验竞争力强;还有人说颜值就是生产力。不过在技术瞬息万变的今天,这些都已经过时了。如果你能够把较短的一段时间当做冲刺期,在冲刺结束的时候习得一项新技能,你就能够保持自己的职场竞争力。
Whether it's promotion, job transfer or career change, you need to constantly learn new skills to enhance the competitiveness of the workplace. Some people say that high education is highly competitive; others say that experience is highly competitive; others say that beauty is productivity. However, in today's rapidly changing technology, these are out of date. If you can take a short period of time as the sprint period and acquire a new skill at the end of the sprint, you can maintain your competitiveness in the workplace.
A high-tech elite in the workplace can effectively carry out self-management, starting from his nature, not controlling himself, but guiding himself to carry out self-management. The initial stage of self-management is self cognition, including his own advantages, his own values, his own goals of achievement, and maintaining the good habit of self-management. It is very valuable, and it may be difficult in the short term Results, but the results resort to time, you will feel its great value! Benefit from it.
你要学习一项新技能。那就是:用冲刺思维快速习得一项新技能。你可以把固定的一段时间,比如半年当作冲刺期,在冲刺期结束时交付成果。以生涯咨询为例。你学习了生涯咨询知识,在一段冲刺期结束时你应该交付的成果是,可以独立完成咨询个案。学习新技能的目的是什么?不是为了学习本身,而是为了产生可交付的成果。当你以“冲刺”的视角去看待一段周期性的时间时,你会有强烈的任务感和紧迫你会不断地向自己发出灵魂拷问:“我为什么要做这件事?我希望它产出什么样的成果?”这个过程会让你目标明确,减少学习过程中因疲累产生的对抗情绪。而阶段性的成果交付,也能让你以小的成本、快的速度知晓自己习得的技能是不是市场需要的,该做哪些迭代才能更好地适应市场。 这种系统性的复盘,能够帮你校正方向,也可以时刻提醒你去深度思考一些方案策略的利弊。敏捷利用时间,这才是职场竞争力的本质。
You need to learn a new skill. That is: use sprint thinking to quickly acquire a new skill. You can take a fixed period of time, such as half a year, as the sprint period, and deliver the results at the end of the sprint period. Take career counseling as an example. You have learned the knowledge of career counseling. At the end of a sprint period, you should be able to complete the consulting case independently. What is the purpose of learning new skills? It's not about learning itself, it's about delivering. When you look at a period of periodic time from the perspective of "sprint", you will have a strong sense of task and urgency, and you will constantly send soul torture to yourself: "why do I do this? What do I want it to produce? " This process will make you have a clear goal and reduce the antagonism caused by tiredness in the learning process. The phased delivery of results can also let you know whether your acquired skills are needed by the market at a small cost and fast speed, and what iterations should be done to better adapt to the market. This kind of systematic review can help you correct the direction and remind you to think deeply about the advantages and disadvantages of some schemes and strategies. Agile use of time is the essence of workplace competitiveness.
In the work and life, we should constantly learn new knowledge. In the face of new things, we should not be afraid. We should have a studious heart and study new knowledge. Learning is a lifelong process. As a workplace person, we should understand the importance of learning. Only by actively contacting new thinking, methods and technologies, can we keep up with the pace of the times. Since many workplace people entered the workplace They stop learning, no longer update their knowledge structure, gradually being eliminated by stealth, and insist on learning. I believe that the endless action of knowledge learning will bring you the promotion from the inside out and inject fresh vitality into the development of the workplace!