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首页 > 新闻资讯如何规避年后“离职潮”?
来源:http://www.shandonglietou.com 发布人:admin 日期:2021-05-05
After the new year, HR complains one after another: the negative energy of employees is expanding rapidly, and the turnover rate and turnover rate are also rising simultaneously. There are many reasons listed, in addition to the "emotional" post holiday syndrome and job hopping boom, there are also feelings of hopeless pay rise and the outbreak of long-term pressure; There are also people who are too stingy and have no welfare. They are really embarrassed to be in the circle of friends
Of course, whether it's a good reason or a joke, it's undeniable that the cost of leaving an employee is terrible. It's a good recruitment to retain talents, because the loss of leaving an employee is too great.
We all know that employee turnover will bring financial losses such as recruitment costs, induction training and talent development costs, as well as time loss caused by finding other replacement employees.
高离职率除了会带来财务、时间上的巨大损失,还有精神上的压力,会对在公司士气造成更可怕的影响。例如重创企业文化,打击组织气氛。公司里的每个人可能都在等待着离职,所以没有人真 正关心工作,也不会为工作付出任何努力。
High turnover rate will not only bring huge financial and time losses, but also mental pressure, which will have a more terrible impact on the morale of the company. For example, the enterprise culture is severely damaged and the organizational atmosphere is damaged. Everyone in the company may be waiting to leave, so no one really cares about the work and will not make any effort for it.
This kind of invisible loss may bring more serious consequences than finance. Unfortunately, many businesses are operating in this way. Companies should learn to track turnover rate data, and actively take measures to reduce the turnover rate.
There are many reasons for employees to leave, two of which are employment problems and management difficulties. Employment problems account for 80% of employee turnover, and management problems account for 20%.
The high proportion of employment problems means that you must ensure a perfect recruitment process and keep pace with the times to find various ways to improve it. Another 20% of turnover comes from poor management. There is a very interesting saying: most people do not give up their jobs, but their boss.
In fact, it's quite easy to solve this problem. What managers need to do is to appreciate their employees. They need to learn how to treat them well, respect them and care about them.
How to reduce employee turnover rate? Now we are in the peak period of employee turnover, so we must pay enough attention to the driving factors of employee loyalty and reduce your employee turnover rate. Headhunting companies suggest the following ways:
1. Improve the recruitment process
As mentioned earlier, the most important factor affecting the turnover rate is the recruitment process. If you can improve the recruitment process and select the right person for the corporate culture and position, your turnover rate will decrease.
2.加强经理人的情 商素质
2. Strengthen the EQ quality of managers
其实经理人的心理起了决定性的重要作用,越来越多的管理人员应该积极参加情商和心理学的培训。强烈建议每一位管理者参加领导必备的情 商课程。
In fact, managers' psychology plays a decisive role. More and more managers should actively participate in the training of EQ and psychology. It is strongly recommended that every manager take the necessary EQ course for leadership.
3. Provide opportunities for growth
了解什么才是员工真 正想要的,加薪?升职?还是授权?满足他们任何需要掌握的技能,实现双赢。因为他们获得的成功或更有效地推动绩效。
Understand what employees really want, a raise? be promoted? Or authorization? Meet any skills they need to master and achieve a win-win situation. Because they are successful or more effective in driving performance.
4. Keep employees in a good mood
Among the 500 companies that are admired by employers all over the world, we have found one thing in common, which is to keep employees in a good mood to come to work every day.
5. Collect feedback frequently
Frequently investigate employees and listen to their opinions. It can not only improve some shortcomings of the company, but also make employees feel valued and have the sense of ownership. Actively listening and really caring about the welfare of employees will reduce the turnover rate of employees.